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ISoP Webinars series                                                                Sessions March 2021

ISoP Latin-American chapter, Raquel Herrera Comoglio, Univ. Nac. de Córdoba, Argentina

ISoP Vaccines SIG, Rebecca Chandler, Uppsala Monitoring Centre, Sweden

ISoP Israel chapter, Irene Fermont, Israel


Rebecca Chandler

Jean-Christophe Delumeau

Irene Fermont

Raquel Herrera Comoglio

Vigilance of COVID-19 Vaccines

4 March, 3 p.m. CET
Efforts of the UMC to support global vaccine safety

Rebecca Chandler
Uppsala Monitoring Centre, Sweden
ISoP Vaccines SIG

10 March, 3 p.m. CET
Cohort Event Monitoring (CEM) of Health Care Workers (HCW) receiving COVID19 vaccines using mobile apps.

Robert Chen
Scientific Director, Brighton Collaboration
Comfort Ogar,

USAID/MTaPS, Nigeria
17 March. 3 p.m. CET
Methods for effective vaccine safety surveillance and particular challenges in a pandemic

Fernanda Tavares

in English

in English







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Our Task Force on Vaccine

is composed of

physicians, pharmacists, scientific experts

  • in pharmacovigilance, pharmaco-epidemiology virology,

  • Immuno-hematology, molecular biology, 

  • molecular genetics, and neurosciences,

  • engineers, and volunteers

  • for administration, webmaster, press review, and translation.

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