9 June 2021, Israel : 15:00 Israel GMT+2; USA : 8:00am EST; UK :13:00 GMT
India : 17:30 IST; Argentina: 9:00 am ; Europe CET : 14:00
America Unmasked Prof Peter Pitts , President Center for Medicine in Public Interest, former FDA Associate Commissioner
Israel: the Vaccine-Nation Prof Cyrille Cohen Member of the advisory committee for clinical trials on SARS-COV2 vaccines at Ministry of Health Israel; Head, Laboratory of Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy, Bar-Ilan University
The Israeli Green Passport: Coercion, Incentive, or Nudge? Prof Yuval Feldman Mori Lazarof Professor of Legal Research, Bar-Ilan University Faculty of Law Senior Fellow in the Israel Democracy Institute
Monitoring the safety, efficacy and take-up of Covid-19 vaccines: the UK experience Prof Azeem Majeed Head of the department of Primary Care and Public Health at Imperial College, London,UK
COVID-19 vaccination intention in the UK – findings from the UK COVID-19 vaccination acceptability study (CoVAccS) Sue Sherman, Ph.D Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Keele University, UK
PANEL DISCUSSION WITH THE SPEAKERS with the participation of Prof Nick Sevdalis Director Center for Implementation Sciences and Patient Safety, King's College of London, UK